Coding Rules & Assumptions Site Favicon


This section of is a truncuated Markdown re-presentation of the data on the main site's Coding Rules & Assumptions page.

Visit the main site for additional data associated with each rule and assumption, including justifications & concrete rule cases.

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Coding Rules

Rule Source
Refactor code into lots of small independent components
whenever & wherever you can.
B. Sourer
Don't change a UI to accomodate Box Model issues
that are easily avoided.
B. Westfall
Always look for patterns when solving problems. B. Westfall
First make it work; then make it better. B. Sourer
Optimize for delete-ability. B. Holt
Commit frequently & only do one thing per commit. M. Fowler
When starting a new side project, create the site locally first
then purchase the domain name.
Mise Mé Féin
Set sensible default font sizes before declaring
a fluid calc() expression.
M. Riethmuller
GUI tools are useful but it's better to learn
command line tools from the beginning.
C. Schafer
One should look at a test and get the intent instantly. Y. Goldberg
The best way to build design intuition is to ask designers you work with questions. J. Comeau

Coding Assumptions

Assumption Source
We build the web for everyone, not ourselves
and our peers.
B. Sourer
Almost every bug rests on a bad assumption. B. Sourer
By choosing to be a developer, you are choosing
to learn.
S. Drasner
It only takes one instance of losing a few hours
of work to know that slow & steady is the way to go.
People that computer science is the art of geniuses but
the actual reality is the opposite: just many people doing
things that build on each other, like a wall of mini stones.
D. Knuth
If you write it, you don't have to learn it. Syntax Podcast
The first 90% of your code accounts for the first 90%
of development time; the remaining 10% of the code
accounts for the other 90% of development time.
CSS knowledge helps create elegent & robust solutions;
it is an often underrated resource.
J. Perals
The best way to learn is to build. J. Quick
CSS is a visual language at the end of the day:
make the visual punch you in the face so you
really understand what's going on, then tone things down.
K. Powell
Although we use several different langauges when putting
together websites CSS is the only one that had to deal
with the "webiness" of the web. That's the primary challenge
of working with CSS.
K. Powell
If something is delete-able, it's modular; and if it's modular, it's great. B. Holt
The best devs deeply understand how the languages
& frameworks they use actually work (vs. how they think
they work).
B. Sourour
Master code skills & concepts (e.g. HTML, CSS, & Vanilla JS)
allows devs to hold the tools built on top of those skills lightly,
learn quickly, and switch easily.
R. Andrews
Computing new values is less error-prone
than changing existing values.
M. Haverbeke
A test should feel like a friendly assistant, there to help you,
and should never feel like a hindrance.
Y. Goldeberg